If you're going through a tough times right now in business or any aspects of your life, this may be the positive message you need to hear...

Recently, someone asked me, "Would you trade your life with someone wealthier right now?

I answered, "No."

Reason? Because I realized that everything happens for a positive reason.

When I started out in business, my family and friends told me there's no way I would ever succeed in business when I have no degree and no connections in the business world.

That gave me the opportunity to develop mental resilience and gave me the motivation to do well in business so I can prove myself.

I've also learned to do my best every time. And if my best isn't good enough, I've trained myself to force myself out of my comfort zone to invest my time and financial resources to cut short my learning curve... reminding myself that "if I want something different, I must do something different."

When one of my ex-business partners kicked me out of a profitable business I helped built from scratch, it taught me the importance of having a "black and white" to make sure my interests are protected... and to be selective with whom I'll work with.

When I graduated with a Diploma in Biotechnology, the knowledge I learned in the course had little application in starting an Internet business. However, it trained me to be comfortable analysing huge chunks of data. It also taught me the importance of perseverance and doing "trial and error" until I get results.

Not to mention... I may have never met my lovely wife if I had not studied that course.

All thanks to all the events I faced, and the people I met, I am where I am in life today, traveling around the world and helping people improve their quality of life and their family's.

If I traded my life with someone else, yes, I may have more resources like money. However, I'm not sure if I'll ever learn all these important lessons in life... meet my love ones... or be able to share my knowledge (which is something I truly enjoy doing).

I've come to this realization only after many years of frustration and struggles.

One day, you'll come to that realization too.

I hope the lessons I've learned and shared will make a positive difference to you and your family.

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Dominic Tay

Dominic Tay is the "systems guy" & Digital Marketing coach. He digests complicated digital marketing strategies into actionable and results-producing systems.

    1 Response to "Everything Happens for A Positive Reason"

    • Jade Pang

      Agreed with you.

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